"I remember to take my CBD daily because it's in my coffee!"

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Benefits of CBD Coffee

Rob's Sträva Story

"After learning about the positive effects of CBD supplementation several years ago on the body & mind for muscle & body pain to anxiety I started trying CBD oil drops. By my amazement it seemed to help with my knee pain. I found it hard to stay on schedule to keep the CBD drops going with my crazy schedule I would forget sometimes & my body & mind would remind me. I also play pickup basketball year around & softball through the spring & summer so I knew I needed to keep the pain down. So one evening after a softball game I was limping around, one of my friends on my softball league knew I was taking CBD oil for my pain & asked me about it. I told him when I remembered to take the CBD daily my pain was almost gone. He asked me if I drinker coffee? I told him I drinker coffee every morning. He told me he had the remedy for me & started telling me about Strava craft CBD coffee & how great it was for his pain & anxiety. And knowing you couldn't miss taking CBD because it was in the coffee. So I started ordering 2 bags of the 20 mg CBD coffee several years ago & have not let myself run out. I drink a cup or 2 daily. I have very little pain in my knees after hard ball playing. Thankful for a high quality CBD coffee."

Rob P.


*The experience shared above is that of a Sträva customer.  Your experience with CBD and CBD coffee may differ.  Statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.