Start your day feeling your best. Enjoy the natural benefits of top-quality broad spectrum CBD conveniently infused into fresh roasted, small batch specialty coffee.
Sträva exclusively sources roasts premium specialty-grade coffee: clean, sustainable, 100% Arabica beans -some of the most flavorful and sought after coffee beans from around the world.
Sträva infuses its premium coffees with top-quality organic, broad-spectrum hemp which is naturally rich in CBD, CBG and more to deliver maximum benefit.
Feel good about your next cup of coffee. Sträva works with small, independent coffee farmers to educate and elevate the quality and value of their harvest. This means great coffee for you and a better life for farmers and their families.
Living healthy & feeling good is what Sträva is all about. Explore the natural benefis of CBD in a more convenient, satisfying and delicious way:
Feel less Anxious
Live Your Day With Fewer Aches & Pains
Enjoy More Restful Sleep
Feel Alert, Calm & Focused
Relax and De-Stress
The best way to explore the many benefis of CBD infused coffee is to simply brew a fresh cup of Sträva for yourself. Here's what to expect:
The First Few Cups:
Simply Enjoy…
Smooth, satisfying taste of premium-quality Sträva coffee
Feeling less Anxious
Feeling less Jittery
After A Few Days:
Have You Noticed?
Feeling Alert, Calm & Focused
Improved Mood & Outlook
More Restful Sleep
After 1-2 Weeks:
How Do You Feel?
More Balanced
Less Anxious
Less Discomfort
Sustained, Elevated Mood
Sträva is committed to providing every customer with an exceptional experience. While some may find immediate, meaningful relief, others may find the natural benefits build more slowly, and maybe more subtle. With three levels of CBD infusion to choose from, Sträva makes it easy to find the perfect dose of CBD to help you feel your best.
Did you find the Sträva that's right for you? If not we're happy to help guide you in your product selection!
Whole Bean or Ground Coffee
Feel good about your coffee: Sträva works with forward-thinking sourcing partners to ensure environmental and socio-economic best practices are promoted and followed. This means:
Better quality coffee for you
Improved quality of life for farmers and their families.
Start your day with one of Sträva's signature small batch specialty roasts:
Smooth & Balanced Flavor
Always Fresh Roasted
Unique Single Origins
Non-CBD Coffees